Somesville Union Meeting House
United Church of Christ, Mount Desert, Maine
Annual Meeting
February 5, 2023 conducted both in person and remotely via Zoom platform
The Annual Meeting of the Somesville Union Meeting House was preceded by announcements and then called to order by Moderator, Charles Stanhope at 12:45 pm following a luncheon after Sunday worship. Rev. Bruce Burnham offered an opening prayer.
Sharing of what’s on our hearts:
That we resume ‘all Church’ meetings
That we once again have community suppers
Joy at the possibility of three new members
Recognition of willingness on our parts to join committees and/or accept leadership tasks.
Revisiting of our vision through our by laws
Recommitment to Christian Education / Formation
A wish to set aside any controversy
Article I: Appointment of Parliamentarian – Lisa Horsch Clark was appointed parliamentarian by unanimous vote, first moved by Bob Seddig and seconded by Don Ashmall. A quorum was present – at least 51% (27) of those members currently in residence and able to attend or able to attend remotely. 42 members were present (32 in person, 10 on Zoom).
Article II: Minutes of February 6, 2022 Annual Meeting – Gerry Gregersen moved acceptance of the minutes. Bob Seddig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article III: 2022 Annual Reports of Moderator, Clerk, Boards and Standing Committees (both Spiritual and Operational), Delegates, Bridge Pastor, and Music Director - Don Ashmall moved acceptance of all these reports. Lyta Seddig seconded the
motion. Our Moderator apologized for any omissions particularly referencing the creation of our Church Safe Policy. He shared that we now have a Safe Church Team on our 2023 roster. The motion passed unanimously.
Article IV: 2022 Settled Pastor Search Committee Report - The Rev. Vicki Reeser has been called. Tony St. Denis moved to accept the report. Lin Gould seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Gratitude was expressed to all three Search Committees and also to the Spiritual Life Committee for providing consistent leadership in the pulpit over these last three years.
Article V: Treasurer’s Reports and Proposed 2023 Budget – John pointed out that the budget is for 3.5 months bridge pastor and 8.5 months settled pastor. Folks were reassured that if the Trustees need more funds allocated to the Facilities Fund, they can appeal to Council. Because of recent repairs to the parsonage roof, the Trustees are starting 2023 at $0 in the Facilities Fund. Of the $59,000 in reserve (see page 31 of report), Lin Gould moved that $15,000 be moved to the Facilities Fund to restore it to solvency. Craig Raisner seconded. Lin and Craig withdrew their motion as discussion was had regarding our old buildings and the need for money in the Facilities Fund. Lin Gould moved that $25,000 be moved to the Facilities Fund to restore it to solvency. Kay Moore seconded. The motion passed with 2 opposed and 2 abstentions. Don Ashmall moved to accept the Treasurer’s reports. Carmen Sanford seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article VI: Proposed Slate of Officers/Board/Committee members for 2023– Pam Bowie and Thayer Fanazick served as the Nominating Committee. Don Ashmall made a motion to allow the Clerk to cast one ballot to approve the slate. Lisa Horsch Clark seconded. The motion passed unanimously and the Clerk accepted the 2023 proposed slate.
Article VII: Renewal of covenant with The Alcyon Center – We learned that this does not need to be renewed annually and so no action was taken.
Article VIII: New business from Don Ashmall: Whereas the Council, boards, and leaders have responded to the changes in pastoral leadership with wisdom, discretion, and patience, and whereas Charles Stanhope has shepherded the council, boards, committees and the congregation in a compassionate and insightful manner that has promoted unity and a growing vision for our Church and its overall ministry, therefore be it resolved that the Church gives thanks to God for Charles and his loving service among us. Therefore be it resolved that the Church gives thanks for the leadership of Charles Stanhope. The
resolution was approved unanimously and accompanied with a standing ovation Rev. Bruce offered a closing blessing
The meeting adjourned at 2pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kate St.Denis
Annual Meeting February 6, 2022 conducted both in person and remotely via Zoom platform
The Annual Meeting of the Somesville Union Meeting House was called to order by Moderator, Charles Stanhope at 12:15 pm following a short break after Sunday worship. Rev. Knowlton offered an opening prayer.
Article I: Appointment of Parliamentarian – Janet Clifford was appointed parliamentarian by unanimous vote, first moved by Bob Seddig and seconded by Lyta Seddig. A quorum was present – at least 51% (30) of those members currently in residence and able to attend or able to attend remotely. Forty members were present.
Article II: Minutes of February 7, 2021 Annual Meeting – Gerry Gregersen moved acceptance of the minutes. Margaret Burnett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article III: 2021 Annual Reports of Moderator, Clerk, Boards, Standing Committees, Delegates, Bridge Pastor, and Music Director - Bob Seddig moved acceptance of all these reports. Fred Benson seconded the motion. Our moderator asked us to reflect on the time, treasure, and talents that are reflected in these reports. Some reports have addendums which will be compiled and recorded by our office assistant.
Article IV: 2021 Settled Pastor Search Committee Report - The committee is in the process of conducting interviews.
Article V: Treasurer’s Reports – including summary of funds and stewardship campaign. Notes of interest: income was more than budgeted and expenses were less. Temporary change in pastor employment to ¼ time had an impact. $15,000 was transferred to the facilities fund at the last council meeting. John MacDuffie explained that there are new proposals since making the written report. Fred Benson suggested that the finance committee work this out first. Our parliamentarian reminded us that our vote for acceptance or not will be on the published report, not what is being discussed today. The distribution of pledges was reported by the stewardship committee. Bob Seddig moved to accept these reports. Gerry Gregersen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article VI: Proposed 2022 Budget – This has been updated and distributed. Council approved this on January 13, 2022. It is understood that there will be unforeseen expenses associated with the calling of a new settled pastor along with a new compensation package. Bob Seddig moved to accept the budget. Dotty Kay Stillman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article VII: Proposed Slate of Officers/Board/Committee members for 2022– Pam Bowie and Dotty-Kay Stillman served as the Nominating Committee. The proposed slate is incomplete. . Of note are the two members at large positions (one for spiritual ministry and one for operational ministry) which while not in our bylaws has been our practice for the last four years. We concurred that we shall sustain this structure for at least one more year. An updated document with officers, board and committee members for 2022 will be included in the updated Annual Report Booklet. A motion was made by Gerry Gregersen and seconded by Thayer Fanazick to accept that Thayer Fanazick and Gerry Gregersen be delegates, Betsy Roberts be member at large, and that a tech team of Anne Patterson and Kate St.Denis be established. The motion passed unanimously. It was further noted that the finance committee needs more people and that PPR will be revised when we bring on a new minister to include at least one member of the search committee.
Article VIII: Renewal of covenant with The Alcyon Center – Kathryn Booth shared deep gratitude to us and offered that we may look to more models for integrating our programming in the future. Joan Jordan Grant noted that the covenant includes offers of spiritual direction, hosting a committee, hosting a retreat or an annual event on spiritual life and practice. They recognize that there is a lot of deepening that can happen in our relationship and so extended an invitation to join them as the Alcyon Center itself deepens and ripens. Fred Benson moved that the SUMH UCC renew its covenant with the Alcyon Center, first begun in 2006. Tony St.Denis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Rev. Knowlton offered a closing prayer,
The meeting adjourned at 1:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kate St.Denis
Annual Meeting February 7, 2021 conducted remotely via Zoom platform
The Annual Meeting of the Somesville Union Meeting House was called to order by Moderator, Charles Stanhope at 12:00 pm following a short break after Zoom Sunday worship. Charles shared his pleasure at reading reports after such a tough year and recognizing how much we have accomplished. Rev. Janet Adair Hansen offered an opening prayer.
Article I: Appointment of Parliamentarian – Janet Clifford was appointed parliamentarian by acclamation. A quorum was present – at least 51% (23) of those members currently in residence and able to attend. Forty three members were present.
Article II: 2020 Reports of Minister, Moderator, Clerk, Boards, Financial Reports, Standing Committees, Delegates, and Minutes of February 2, 2020 Annual Meeting – Bob Seddig moved acceptance of all these reports. Dick Crawford seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Several highlights and celebrations were shared including the progress and need for help from the Search Committee. Some reports have addendums which will be compiled and recorded. Printed copies of updated reports will be available on request.
Article III: Budget for 2021 –The proposed budget presented at this meeting for 2020 was developed by the Finance Committee using input from various committees and knowledge of previous budgets. A minor change from the version previously distributed was increasing the Office Assistant hourly pay rate to $16/hour (instead of $15.75). Discussion was held around the provision for a ¾ time pastor position. Approving this proposed budget does not indicate that a decision has yet been made about whether the future Settled Pastor will be full-time or part-time. This only reflects our current state with a ¾ time Interim Pastor for 2021. We will have to prepare a revised budget when the time comes to prepare the compensation package for our new settled pastor. Gail Reiber moved that the proposed budget be accepted for 2021 with the understanding that we will have to revise it when we hire a settled pastor. Bob Seddig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Article IV: Action item from the finance committee - The finance committee asked to transfer the year end surplus of $9,369 to the Facilities fund with the understanding that these funds could be transferred to other areas of the budget if needed. Keith Bowie made the motion and Susan Haggstrom seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Article V: Proposed Slate of Officers/Board/Committee members for 2020– Kate St.Denis and Dotty-Kay Stillman who served as the Nominating Committee presented the slate thanking both those who have agreed to continue their current positions as well as those who are assuming new positions. Betsy Roberts was thanked for her six years as Clerk. We continue to look for both a Clerk and a Spiritual Ministry member at large (whose role was explained by Kate St Denis, the former representative). Gerry Gregersen moved acceptance of the proposed slate. The motion was seconded by Carmen Sanford. The proposed slate was accepted unanimously. The document with officers, board and committee members for 2021 will be included in the updated Annual Report Booklet.
Article VI: Renewal of covenant with The Alcyon Center – Representing the Alcyon Center, Kathryn Booth gave thanks that we all get to work together in, “parallel ministries that occasionally get to intertwine.” They offered their renovated buildings and outdoor areas to all of us. Joan Jordan Grant added an in person socially distanced welcome for regeneration. Dick Crawford moved that the Church renew its covenant with the Alcyon Center, first begun in 2006. Susan Anghinetti seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen offered a brief closing prayer,
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Kate St.Denis